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S. Tomás Aquino | Estatueta

S. Tomás Aquino | Estatueta

Regular price €10,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €10,00 EUR
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Estatueta de S. Tomás Aquino 

Tamanho: 15 x 5cm

S. Tomás Alquino foi padroeiro dos estudantes. 

São Tomás de Aquino é um santo católico, padre e filósofo. Ele ingressou na ordem

dos dominicanos e defendeu a união entre fé e razão. Tornou-se professor e grande estudioso de Aristóteles, sendo o principal representante da Filosofia Medieval Escolástica.


Estatueta de S. Tomás Aquino 

Tamanho: 15 x 5cm

St. Thomas Alquino was the patron saint of students.

Saint Thomas Aquinas is a Catholic saint, priest and philosopher.
He joined the Dominican order and defended the union between faith
and reason. He became a professor and great student of Aristotle,
being the main representative of Medieval Scholastic Philosophy.
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